How To Manage Back Pain

Back pain is a very common problem a lot of people face during their lifetime. Although there are a lot of ways you can deal with the pain. The sooner you can return to your normal daily activities and keep moving, the better.

Back pain is a very common problem a lot of people face during their lifetime. Although there are a lot of ways you can deal with the pain. The sooner you can return to your normal daily activities and keep moving, the better. Although it may feel slightly painful and uncomfortable at first, exercise and being active won’t worsen your back pain. It is important to stay active in order to stay healthy. In some cases, painkillers can assist you in this process. 

It may be complicated to figure out the cause of your back pain, but there are several actions you can take to decrease it or prevent it from worsening. Pressure is reduced, strain is reduced, the spine is protected, and muscles are strengthened. With a few simple changes in your daily routine, you can keep your back healthy and pain-free for years to come. 

Different Ways To Manage Your Back Pain

As discussed earlier, in most conditions, back pain can easily be handled at your home. All you need to do is adopt some habits and do some exercises, and you can easily get rid of your back pain. Below mentioned are some ways using which you can easily manage your back pain

Physical Therapy

Chronic back pain is treated with exercise. Under the direction of your physician and spine physical therapist, it’s one of the first treatments you should try. It is important to note that the same exercise set may not work for everyone. You need to customize your exercises based on your symptoms and medical condition. In order to succeed, you also need to keep the routine at home. 

Mindfulness And Meditation

The effects of chronic back pain are both physical and psychological. You may be referred to a rehabilitation psychologist if you suffer from frustration, irritability, depression, or other psychological complications as a result of chronic pain. Meditation, yoga, taichi, and other cognitive or relaxation techniques may help you avoid focusing on pain through this specialist’s recommended approaches. 


Trans fat, refined sugars, and artificial sweeteners are common triggers of inflammation in some diets. If you’re suffering from chronic back pain, talk to your doctor about your diet and what you can change. The reduced pressure on your spine may also reduce back pain caused by maintaining a healthy weight. 

Lifestyle Modifications

Accepting your limitations is important when you have chronic pain. Learn to pace yourself by listening to your body. Consider taking frequent breaks when mowing the lawn, or make several trips when you are carrying groceries. Keep a record of the activities that exacerbate your pain and avoid them whenever possible. Your back could be helped by this treatment, as well as the underlying condition from progressing further. You should also consider quitting smoking as part of your lifestyle change. Nicotine causes pain to intensify and healing to be delayed. 

Sleep Better

Sleeping is difficult if you are suffering from back pain. A lack of sleep can make your back pain worse, so you go back to bed without getting enough sleep. Additionally, a poor sleeping position can exacerbate back pain. Turn your body on its side. By placing a pillow between your knees, you’ll maintain a neutral spine and relieve back strain. You can slide a pillow under your knees if you are required to sleep on your back. Make sure your mattress is firm and comfortable. 

You Shouldn’t Rest A Sore Back.

In the past, doctors prescribed bed rest to treat back pain. The truth is, lying still is one of the worst things to do. Besides aggravating back pain, it can cause other complications. Rest no longer than a couple of days. The key is to slowly get up and move around again. Back pain can be relieved fast by exercising. You can do yoga, swimming, or walking. 

Ice And Heat

If you are suffering from back pain from an injury, applying ice regularly may help to relieve the pain and swelling. It is best to do this for 20 minutes several times a day. Cover your skin with a thin towel to protect it from the ice pack. When you have been using heat for a few days, switch to cold. To aid in the relaxation of muscles and an increase in blood flow, apply a heating pad or warm pack. To help you relax, you can also take a warm bath. Do not sleep on a heating pad if you want to avoid burns. 

Injection-Based Treatments

There are several types of injection-based procedures available to treat chronic back pain, including epidural steroid injections, nerve ablation, and nerve blocks. If the treatment fails, they may sometimes help rule out a particular cause if the source is known. An injection may temporarily reduce or stop the pain, but they aren’t intended as a long-term solution and shouldn’t be used alone. 

Work Your Core

Exercising has a number of beneficial health effects. When you regularly train your core muscles, such as avoiding strains and muscle spasms, you can reduce your risk of back injuries. Develop a stronger, more flexible back by incorporating back and abdominal strengthening movements at least twice per week. 

Increase Your Calcium And Vitamin D Intake

Osteoporosis can be prevented by having strong bones. Women are more likely to suffer from this form of back pain later in life. Calcium and vitamin D are essential for the health of the spine. 

There is calcium in:

  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Leafy Greens
  • Vitamin Supplements

You can get vitamin D from:

  • Fatty Fish
  • Egg Yolks
  • Beef Liver
  • Cheese

Before taking any supplement, check with your doctor. 

These are some of the ways in which you can easily manage your back pain at your home. Although you can try these methods on your own, it is always recommended to consult with your doctor before you start using any of these remedies because he will examine the severity of your pain and will recommend a suitable solution accordingly.


One Step Diagnostic has been Texas’s leading American College of Radiology (ACR) accredited radiology center since 2006. We employ board-certified radiologists to offer advanced imaging tests, including digital X-rays, MRI, CT, DEXA scans, ultrasounds, mammograms, and pain management services.


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